eWood Gardening Blog — veggie garden
Environmentally friendly raised garden beds
Veggie Garden Kits
Nothing is easier and nothing is better for the environment than an ewood raised garden bed kit.
eWood & Retain-iT Post System
Doing your own Retaining Walls or Building your own Raised Garden Beds can seem a bit daunting. As with many DIY projects though having the right tools makes these jobs a piece of cake.
Garden Bed Kits
Selecting a raised garden bed kit that is easy to assemble is a must for many of us that don't possess the skill or tools to build our own. If you do, then you may well be interested in the eWood DIY Planks.
Vegetable Garden Beds
When it comes to what style of garden bed you select for your garden one must consider many factors. A Veggie Garden bed grows your food, that you eat, therefore you must pay attention to what you put on and around your vegetable garden bed.