eWood Raised Garden Bed Kits - 1.2m x 0.6m


eWood Raised Garden Bed Kits make easy work of creating a Raised Garden Bed. The eWood planks and threaded corner posts are pre-drilled and supplied with stainless steel screws.

Working with eWood is simple. With no special equipment required, you can use the same set of tools as you would using hardwood. eWood’s composition is also compatible with gluing and painting.

UV & Weather Resistant
50+ Year Life Expectancy
100% Australian Made
Termite/Insect Resistant
100% Recycled
This kit includes

2 x Pre-Drilled 1.2m eWood® Planks
2 x Pre-Drilled 0.6m eWood® Planks
4 x Pre-Drilled tapped, attached eWood® Corner Posts
16 x Stainless Steel Phillips Head Screws
16 x Zinc Coated Housings

This Kit Includes:

2 x Pre-Drilled 1.2m eWood® Planks
2 x Pre-Drilled 0.6m eWood® Planks
4 x Pre-Drilled tapped, attached eWood® Corner Posts
16 x Stainless Steel Phillips Head Screws
16 x Zinc Coated Housings

Garden Safe

Over a period of 5 years, eWood was extensively tested alongside the soils with which eWood products were used.
The results of the tests showed no signs of leaching or emissions, making this sustainable product 100% safe for you and your garden.

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Stacking Instructions

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