What is ewood?

The benefits of eWood® aren’t just environmental.

eWood® is resistant to rot, insect damage, UV and moisture, and therefore has a long-life with low maintenance.

eWood® is made in Australia using 100% recycled materials.eWood® is a unique plastic wood made from the mixed plastics of products previously destined for landfill such as: computers, televisions, white goods, commercial equipment, car parts and printer cartridges collected from the e-waste stream being strongly supported by programs such as ‘Cartridges 4 Planet Ark’.

Unlike any other comparable product in Australia, eWood Solutions’™ patented process allows for this wide range of plastics to be used together – making it the perfect recipe for reducing carbon output.

eWood® is a functional and sustainable material which is: 
  • 100% Australian, 
  • 100% recycled and 
  • 100% recyclable


eWood® can be used to replace timber, concrete, steel, brick, fibreglass and other virgin plastics in many applications.

Use in Raised Garden Beds

Home gardeners consider many factors like; cost, look, maintenance and environmental impact when choosing a material to construct a raised garden bed.

It seems eWood® is the perfect material.

Solid look and feel:
eWood® is as strong as an ox, do not confuse eWood® with inferior soft plastic products. It’s strong presence will be at home in any garden and will not cheapen your homes appearance like some products.


Weather Resistant:
eWood® is a naturally UV stabilised material, it has a thermal buffer and hence will not freeze over or get too hot to touch. Perfect for the Australian climate.

No Termites:
eWood® is Termite and white ant resistant and will not harbour vermin. 

Environmentally Friendly:
100% Australian, 100% recycled and 100% recyclable. Made from plastics from a spectrum of waste including, but not limited to; computers, televisions, white goods, commercial equipment and car parts.

No wood – It has been said that the very best way to save the trees is not to cut them down…

Non toxic:
No chemicals like CCA treated timber, no leaching and degradation over time.

Maintenance Free:
There is no need to paint, stain or seal eWood®. EVER! Though one of its stand out points is that you can paint eWood® should you wish to brighten up your garden or keep to a colour scheme. 

eWood® has a superior life span and, with normal use, is believed to have lasted for decades.

By choosing eWood ® you are not only diverting  waste from landfill, you are taking sustainability  to an advanced level.

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